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Fine Art, Craft, Sculture, Authenticity in Art, Digital Craft, Hand Made, Dr BENEDICT CARPENTER VAN BARTHOLD Fine Art Authenticity, Crafts & Sculpture Nottingham Trent University |
Mobile and Sensing Technology, Smart Cities, Pervasive Computing, Technical & Digital Development, Dr EIMAN KANJO Technical & Digital Development, Mobile & Sensing Technology Nottingham Trent University |
Women in Sport, Women's Sport, Gender Inequalities in Sport, Women Dr ALI BOWES Sport Sociology, specialising in Women in Sport Nottingham Trent University |
History, Welfare, NHS, Taxation, Pensions, Mass Graves, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Mental Ill Health Prof STEVEN KING Professor: Economic & Social History Nottingham Trent University |
Sleep, Sleep Loss, Sleep Training, Sleep Assessment, Sleep and Wellbeing Prof JOHN GROEGER Psychology - Sleep Expert Nottingham Trent University |
Psychology of Performance, Resilience in Athletes, Performance, Athletes, Performance Excellence Dr MUSTAFA SARKAR Sports Science & Exercise Psychology Nottingham Trent University |
Solar Terrestrial Relations, Earth Radiation Belts, Solar Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections Dr IAN WHITTAKER Physics - Solar Terrestrial Relations Expert Nottingham Trent University |
Pandemics, Infectious Diseases, Public Health, Bioethics, Law and Health Care Prof ROBERT DINGWALL Public Health - Pandemics, Nottingham Trent University |
Cyber Psychology, Online Gambling, Behavioural Addictions, Internet Addiction, Workaholism Prof MARK GRIFFITHS Behavioural Addiction Nottingham Trent University |
Psychology and Gaming, Cyber Psychology, Smartphone Use, Social Networking Dr DARIA KUSS Cyber Psychology & Internet Addiction Nottingham Trent University |
School Inspection, Ofsted, Free School Meals, Policy Sociology. Dr ANDREW CLAPHAM Education, Policy Sociology Nottingham Trent University |
Education Policy, School Leadership, School Accountability, Teacher Training Dr CHRIS ROLPH Education Policy & School Leadership Nottingham Trent University |
The Crusades, Medieval Christianity, Medieval History, Medieval, Islam, Medieval War Games Dr NATASHA HODGSON Medieval History Nottingham Trent University |
Diplomacy, Public Diplomacy, North Korea, Central America Politics, America, USA, China Dr COLIN ALEXANDER Political Communications Expert Nottingham Trent University |
Charity Organisation, Voluntary Organisations, Charity Management Prof DANIEL KING Organisational Studies, Charities, Workplace Democracy Professional Nottingham Trent University |
Forensic Linguistics, Language and Crime, Language of Law, Language, Crime Dr DAVID WRIGHT Forensic Linguistics, Language & Crime Nottingham Trent University |
Spatial Planning, Employment & Skills, Business Policy, Labour Market Prof WILL ROSSITER Economics & Business Nottingham Trent University |
Local Government Healthcare Policy, Public Sector, Emergency Management Prof PETE MURPHY Local Government Healthcare Policy Nottingham Trent University |
Printed Textiles, Textile Design, Lace, Knitwear Prof AMANDA BRIGGS-GOODE Fashion, Knitwear & Textile Design Nottingham Trent University |
Fashion Theory, Visual Culture, Popular Culture, Fashion, Style, Material Style Culture, Material, Dr VANESSA BROWN Style & Fashion Nottingham Trent University |
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Fine Art Expert, Craft Expert, Sculture Expert, Authenticity in Art Expert, Digital Craft Expert, Hand Made Expert, Mobile and Sensing Technology Expert, Smart Cities Expert, Pervasive Computing Expert, Technical & Digital Development Expert, Women in Sport Expert, Women's Sport Expert, Gender Inequalities in Sport Expert, Women Expert, History Expert, Welfare Expert, NHS Expert, Taxation Expert, Pensions Expert, Mass Graves Expert, COVID-19 Expert, Coronavirus Expert, Mental Ill Health Expert, Sleep Expert, Sleep Loss Expert, Sleep Training Expert, Sleep Assessment Expert, Sleep and Wellbeing Expert, Psychology of Performance Expert, Resilience in Athletes Expert, Performance Expert, Athletes Expert, Performance Excellence Expert, Solar Terrestrial Relations Expert, Earth Radiation Belts Expert, Solar Flares Expert, Coronal Mass Ejections Expert, Pandemics Expert, Infectious Diseases Expert, Public Health Expert, Bioethics Expert, Law and Health Care Expert, Cyber Psychology Expert, Online Gambling Expert, Behavioural Addictions Expert, Internet Addiction Expert, Workaholism Expert, Psychology and Gaming Expert, Cyber Psychology Expert, Smartphone Use Expert, Social Networking Expert, School Inspection Expert, Ofsted Expert, Free School Meals Expert, Policy Sociology. Expert, Education Policy Expert, School Leadership Expert, School Accountability Expert, Teacher Training Expert, The Crusades Expert, Medieval Christianity Expert, Medieval History Expert, Medieval Expert, Islam Expert, Medieval War Games Expert, Diplomacy Expert, Public Diplomacy Expert, North Korea Expert, Central America Politics Expert, America Expert, USA Expert, China Expert, Charity Organisation Expert, Voluntary Organisations Expert, Charity Management Expert, Forensic Linguistics Expert, Language and Crime Expert, Language of Law Expert, Language Expert, Crime Expert, Spatial Planning Expert, Employment & Skills Expert, Business Policy Expert, Labour Market Expert, Local Government Healthcare Policy Expert, Public Sector Expert, Emergency Management Expert, Printed Textiles Expert, Textile Design Expert, Lace Expert, Knitwear Expert, Fashion Theory Expert, Visual Culture Expert, Popular Culture Expert, Fashion Expert, Style Expert, Material Style Culture Expert, Material Expert