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About the YourWebApps project - from Edge Impact Consulting Ltd
Ref: 298

Date: Fri 14 Jun 2024, 09:38
Author: KEN GOOD

Edge Impact Consulting Ltd, trading as Edge Impact Websites, was formed in July 2000 by our Managing Director and CEO, Ken Good, and offers clients flexible business solutions to achieve their commercial objectives including financial and productivity gains by installing bespoke and packaged online applications.

Over the last 24 years we have developed many applications and with we are bringing these applications into one Web Apps system to make them easily accessible to internet users from across the world, by simply clicking and using applications that have been used by clients for years.

Our first Web App available for you to use is our Volunteer Online Booking System (VOBS). Version 1 of this system has been used by Caversham Good Neighbours since 2012 and Version 2 has been used by the Fish Volunteer Centre since 2017. Version 3 is available in YourWebApps NOW, it has a lot more features and functions, and it has been used by Woodcote Volunteers since September 2013.

We have 12 more existing applications to import to YourWebApps, and more to develop in time. If you have any need for an online system of any sort then please Contact Us with details and we will see what can be done for you.

Software consulting since 1989 and developing systems on the web since 2000, the key employees of Edge Impact Websites develop distinctive web sites and bespoke software applications on the web to meet clients' requirements, and YourWebApps is another one of the many but this time a consolidation of many applications for clients and internet users to use at the click of a button with personalised configuration.

We approach all design and development from a business perspective with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), top quality ease of use, and aesthetics to meet client's needs.

The proof is our results for clients, their testimonials to the fact, and our ever growing client base.

If you are serious about your business and want a professional job done at reasonable prices then let us take care of your website requirements.

Your interests are our interests and we look forward to being of service to you.

Please see further details on: – what we offer as a company. - results of website work we have produced. - what others have said about Edge Impact Websites.
YourWebApps Testimonials - what others have said about YourWebApps.

Ken Good
Managing Director and CEO of Edge Impact Consulting Ltd trading as Edge Impact and ExpertSources

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